Sunday, September 18, 2011

What is it like to be in an inter-racial relationship?

I came from a racist background. Even though we wasn't pure caucasian ourselves my family wanted me to marry and white man.

Cut the story short I haven't got married or ended up racist like them. I like men of all races but never dated outside of my race. I am interested in a Jamaican guy and wondered what it is like being in an inter-racial relationship? Do people treat you differently? I am so paranoid because of the way my family were growing up|||it's nice. lol. you don't feel any diferent.|||it's 2009.....not a big deal..|||It's just like any relationship. Not different, unless your mind sees it differently.|||yes people treat you differently. My mother is puerto rican and my father is african american. when they first got together my mother's family wasn't thrilled. When she became pregnant they finally got over it and accepted it. But my point is if you want to date outside your race be prepared from negative insults from white males in the street, and your white family because it will occur.|||it's really fun because you get to learn a lot about eachother's culture and upbringing. However, there are social reprecussions in certain states in this country. But most people are growing to accept inter-racial dating, especially the younger generations. So you should be fine.|||Yeah, some ppl treat u different.

Like me and my girl (white)wanted to rent appartment. She went to look at it and she say we wanna take it. But went we went there and the land-lord saw us together he said it had already been take. What a lie!|||i wish i was but i jush beez a wht monkey n i aint good for a blk queen so i date thos e sub human wht shemales|||none of my family is racist and its fun they love any girl i date there are some of my family who dont like me dating out my race there not racist they just dont want me to go through more racism but they love and told me they will accept anyone i date

josh is right ive date a white woman named ashley and people said stuff to us in the street and everything

just be prepared for insults|||I came from a very racist family and married an Indian. I was accepted by the people in India but after all these years I have found out that my sister in laws never really accepted me and were jealous of me because I travelled a lot and had a much better life than they had. I have now lost complete trust in the in laws and think they are a whole lot of hypocrites!!

My advice to people now is marry ...................................... I wont write the rest of the sentence as I will get a violation notice. I just got one because I asked who Sandeep Bhatia was.....funny thing is that my husbands family are Bhatia. What a laugh!!!|||hmm well, being in inter-racial relationship is amazing... the fact that you can survive the stares and the racism shows you love each other so much, many same race couples wouldnt survive what inter-racial couples go through. I have a white boyfriend, we dont usually do the whole PDA thing, but if hes going somewhere, we kiss alot and hold hands and stuff, we dont do this often because i think it looks disgusting as ive seen many couples tongueing each other in public- not pretty. We have had the 'looks' and black guys i know (some who have liked me) tease me and say i only like white guys even though i have dated black guys in the past! my advice is, go for is amazing im very happpy right now despite some of the **** i anticipate were gonna experience but there is no way that will tear us apart - in fact the opposite. I love being different from everyone else which is why i feel special because everybody else is dating their own race. My boyfriend has never known a black person before me as he is Irish, but immidietely we knew each other we knew we were meant to be. You should try it, its great :)|||i understand where your coming from. I'm in an interracial relationship and no one bothers me or my man. both of our families are very accepting and respectful towards our choices, and that is the biggest effect. we love each other a lot and we don't care what other people have to say

no one bothers us about it, they go about their own business. i think it's because people in this city are used to seeing interracial couples.|||I think me and my ex noticed people staring at us once, but I never noticed anything. I've only been in inter racial relationships and I'm oblivious to ignorant people. It's a normal relationship I never went through anything different, but inter relationships are my normal because i've never known anything different. I just never really noticed race but as a black woman that has dated white and hispanic guys, I never felt any different from my friends, but they date outside of their race too.

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