Saturday, September 10, 2011

Is there a way to get cheap inter-island flights on Hawaiian Airlines?

During my two weeks in Hawaii my partner and I would like to go to Oahu, Kauaii, and the Big Island. To do all this Hawaiian Airlines will cost us over $250 EACH. Is there any other way to lower these costs or other websites that may offer cheaper inter-island airfare?

How do resident commuters do it?|||See how much airfare is on Go! Airlines. Another airline is Mokulele.|||Yes. There are other airlines that offer inter-island flights, such as Go! Airlines. To get tickets from these airlines, search websites like:

They all list fares for the other airlines that fly inter-island flights.

Have a great trip!|||They give breaks to residents. Kamaina, or something like that it's called. As an outsider haole type, you're officially discriminated against.

That's Aloha for ya.|||Try and do some search from there. They will give you lots of comparisons.|||

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